
We have extended the multiconfigurational Ehrenfest approach to the simulation of four-wave-mixing signals of systems involving multiple electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom. As an illustration, we calculate signals of three widely used spectroscopic techniques, time- and frequency-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, transient absorption spectroscopy, and two-dimensional (2D) electronic spectroscopy, for a two-electronic-state, twenty-four vibrational-mode conical intersection model. It has been shown that all these three spectroscopic signals characterize fast population transfer from the higher excited electronic state to the lower excited electronic state. While the time- and frequency-resolved spectrum maps the wave packet propagation exclusively on the electronically excited states, the transient absorption and 2D electronic spectra reflect the wave packet dynamics on both electronically excited states and the electronic ground state. Combining trajectory-guided Gaussian basis functions and the nonlinear response function formalism, the present approach provides a promising general technique for the applications of various Gaussian basis methods to the calculations of four-wave-mixing spectra of polyatomic molecules.

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