
UV light-activated highly efficient photocata- lytic decomposition of aqueous glucose and polysaccha- rides (starch and cellulose) to CO2 was successfully achieved by using a mesoporous TiO2 thin film coated on a fluorine-doped transparent conductive glass (FTO). The external quantum efficiency (g) of 0.08 (=8%) was obtained for glucose photodecomposition at neutral pH based on the total incident UV light, and the internal quantum efficiency (g 0 ) was 8 (=800%) based on the pho- ton that was effective for activating the reactant, demon- strating that the major decomposition mechanism is dark auto-oxidation of the activated reactant by O2. Glucose gave g 0 values of 19 at pH 12 and 25 at pH 2 demonstrating that when a glucose molecule was once activated by one photon, the molecule can undergo auto-oxidative decom- position to CO2 at these pH under dark. Water-soluble starch was also photodecomposed completely to CO2 with estimated g 0 value of 8.6. Water-soluble carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) also underwent decomposition to CO2 with similar efficiency of g 0 = 5. Solid state cellulose powders could be photodecomposed to CO2 by sandwich- ing them between FTO-coated TiO2 thin films.

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