Attribute-based blind signature is used to realize the blind signature of messages by multiple people, and it is suitable for electronic payment services in the cloud. Most existing attribute-based blind signature schemes have complex bilinear pairing operations in the process of signature and verification, which leads to low algorithm efficiency. To solve this problem, in this study, an efficient pairing-free attribute-based blind signature scheme based on ordered binary decision diagram is proposed, and the security analysis of the new scheme is given under the difficulty of the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP). The proposed scheme is based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC). In this scheme, scalar multiplication on the elliptic curve, which is relatively lightweight, is used to replace bilinear pairing with a large computational cost in traditional attribute-based blind signature schemes. The computational overhead in the signature and verification processes is reduced, making the solution more suitable for resource-constrained cloud terminal user scenarios. On the other hand, in order to improve the computational efficiency of the attribute-based blind signature scheme, a more expressive and computationally efficient ordered binary decision diagram (OBDD) structure is used to construct the access structure of the signer. The OBDD access structure can simultaneously support the positive and negative values of attributes in the access structure at the same time. Compared with existing attribute-based blind signature schemes, the proposed scheme has better performance and storage, and meets the needs of resource-constrained cloud end users.
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