
Presently Fourth generation and other wireless systems are focused area for the research and development in the communication field. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) & Inverse FFT (IFFT) are required for Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing in the integral part of modulation/demodulation modules that occupies more area and power. This paper presents low power and area efficient Cached memory for Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) processor using floating point arithmetic for OFDM application. To store computational permutations each butterfly unit needs one memory. So if considering higher radix of FFT processor, memory requirement increases, it yields to more power consumption and more density occupancy. In this proposed cached 64 point radix 2^6 SDF architecture for reducing the arithmetic hardware complexity of complex multipliers and complex adders present in butterfly structure to obtain low power and less memory requirement. The proposed system is synthesized by using CADENCE RTL COMPLIER and is implemented in ENCOUNTER RTL TO GDSII SYSTEM” using 90nm CMOS technology with a supply voltage of 1V. Synthesis results shows that the proposed design is efficient in terms of gate count, area and power consumption.

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