
Principles of observations and design of onboard equipment for obtaining optical images of low-orbiting space objects during flight at crossed courses are considered. It is noted that photographing from the distance of about 50 km allows to obtain images of space objects with linear resolution of about 1 dm. Simulation model of observation process by satellites-photographers was developed for the modes of their passive and controlled movement. The statistics of observability by one and two satellitesphotographers of low-orbiting space objects are calculated: dynamics of growth of the number of observed objects from distances of 30 and 50 km during one-year observation cycle, and the difference in dynamics in the modes of passive and controlled movement. An algorithm of controlling the motion of satellite-photographer for increasing productivity of obtaining photographs is proposed and described. The simulation of this algorithm has shown that control of the movement of satellite-photographer with reserve of characteristic velocity of 100 m/s provides significant increase in the number of photographed low-orbiting space objects. At distances to the object not exceeding 50 km the effectiveness of observations due to control increases from 80 to 98%, and the proportion of rendezvous from distance of 30 km will be 93%.

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