
Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill) holds a prominent position within the spectrum of tree species in Uzbekistan, primarily due to its noteworthy nutritional and medicinal attributes. With approximately 400 distinct varieties having been developed in China, the task of introducing those best suited to our local conditions is of utmost importance. This article is dedicated to the presentation of outcomes arising from the cultivation of seedlings belonging to ten imported varieties from China, facilitated through the technique of clef grafting. In the grafting process, it is recommended to employ rootstocks and scions featuring an average diameter of no less than 20.0 mm, while the discrepancy between them should not exceed 0.9 mm. Following this approach, a notable increase in grafting efficiency up to 68.8% can be achieved, concurrently contributing to the attainment of seedlings with an elevated stature, reaching up to 143.5 cm. The findings underscore the significance of meticulous grafting methodology in optimizing the success rate of introducing diverse jujube varieties. This contributes to the enrichment of the horticultural landscape, fostering the cultivation of jujube specimens that can flourish effectively in the unique Uzbekistani conditions.

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