
This study aims to analyze marketing efficiency, marketing margins, and farmer share of sales of purebred chicken eggs in West Sulawesi Province. The research was conducted from October to November 2022. The research locations were determined by purposive sampling and were conducted in three regency: Polewali Mandar Regency, Majene Regency, and Mamuju Regency. The research respondents were determined by the multistage sampling method. Respondent farmers were determined using the quota method and purposive sampling by taking three farmers per regency, each selected with the farming experience for at least two years. Consumer respondents were selected using the stratified sampling method by classifying consumers who purchase directly from farmers into three: industrial consumers, merchant consumers, and direct consumers. Further consumer tracking was carried out using the snowball sampling method so that all marketing channel patterns of purebred chicken eggs in West Sulawesi Province could be identified. Data analysis was carried out in a quantitative descriptive manner. There are marketing channels involving farmers, wholesalers, retailers, and final consumers in the province of West Sulawesi.

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