
Introduction. In modern conditions, enterprises have every opportunity to implement all types of international economic activity. The main issues are the administration of the efficiency of international economic activity. The urgency of the work is due to the need for comprehensive research in the field of administration of efficiency of international economic activity.
 Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to study the administration of the effectiveness of international economic activity and review the regulations on its implementation. This defined the following tasks: 1) to investigate the regulations of international economic activity of the enterprise; 2) to analyse the efficiency of foreign economic activity in terms of economic efficiency of imports; 3) to develop an approach to the administration of the efficiency of international economic activity of the enterprise.
 Results. The article examines the system of regulations on international economic activity of enterprises and its administration. The essence of the concept of "efficiency of international economic activity" and the classification of efficiency indicators are highlighted. Factors influencing the income and expenditure of international economic activity for its effectiveness are considered. The analysis of administration of efficiency of international economic activity of subjects of economic activity by means of an indicator of efficiency of import is carried out. The efficiency of one import operation is calculated on an example. It is proposed to consider the effective administration of import activities carried out by the company, if each 1 UAH costs more than 1 UAH income.
 Conclusions. The paper identifies the stages at which both internal and external administration of foreign economic activity of the enterprise. Stages for administration of efficiency by international economic activity of the enterprises are offered. According to the results of research, the need to create a regulatory framework for the administration of the effectiveness of international economic activity of enterprises is substantiated.

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