
Background: Inflammation of the extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis tendon causes lateral epicondyle discomfort.Patients on the dominant side were more affected than those on the nondominant side. And also proximal muscleweakness or instability places an additional load on the distal joint, leading to distal conditions, such as lateralepicondylitis.Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness of scapular strengthening exercise and forearm eccentric exercise onfunctional recovery in subjects with lateral epicondylitis.Materials and Methods: Thirty participants were randomly assigned to experimental (scapular strengtheningwith eccentric exercise) and conventional (eccentric exercise) groups. Pain-rated tennis elbow evaluation (PRTEE),the numerical pain rating scale (NPRS), and grip strength measurement using a hand dynamometer were usedto evaluate the pre-test. The same test was used to determine post-treatment values after five weeks of treatment.Results: A substantial difference was seen between the experimental and control groups (P = 0.0001). Scapularstrengthening and eccentric exercises were effective in patients with lateral epicondylitis.Conclusion: Scapular muscle strengthening and eccentric forearm training are effective in individuals with lateralepicondylitis.

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