
One of the leading pathogenic mechanisms of chronic catarrhal gingivitis development in children is disorders in the system of child macroorganism and oral cavity microorganisms interrelation as a result of normal microflora inhibition against the background of general amount of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms. The oral cavity protective mechanisms condition plays an important role in this process. Due to this fact a perspective direction is to study the methods of mentioned pathology treatment using probiotics containing strains of normal microflora with high antagonistic, enzymatic and immune-modeling properties able to inhibit growth of pathogenic bacteria. Objective : to improve the common method of catarrhal gingivitis treatment in children by means of oral microbiocenosis correction on the local level. Materials and methods . The method of catarrhal gingivitis treatment in children with administration of the probiotic “BioGaia Prodentis” has been developed. 30 children at the age of 12 with clinical signs of chronic catarrhal gingivitis were treated and dynamically observed. The children were divided into two groups: the main (with application of the improved method) and the group of comparison (the common method was applied). The periodontal tissue condition in children was assessed on the basis of OHI-S, PMA, CPI indices, and Schiller-Pisaref test. The oral cavity local immunity was assessed by means of lysozyme activity, the level of secretory immunoglobulin A, the degree of dysbiosis by urease activity detection in the oral fluid of children. Results . Administration of the drug “BioGaia Prodentis” in the complex of chronic catarrhal gingivitis treatment in children resulted in a quick reverse development of clinical signs. Among the children of the main group on the 3–4 th day of treatment a tendency to subsidence of inflammatory signs was observed. In the group of comparison the signs such as hyperemia, swelling and bleeding regressed at the beginning of the 4–5 th day. An average duration of local treatment in the main group was 4.46 ± 0.27 days against 8.00 ± 0.36 days in the group of comparison (P < 0.05). The results of paraclinical examination of children oral cavity after treatment have become the evidence of the clinical changes found. Significant difference by all the indices in children of the main group was detected. Catamnestic examination demonstrated that in half a year in children who were treated with the medicine “BioGaia Prodentis” better clinical-paraclinical indices were registered twice as less than those in children from the comparison group. Conclusions . Treatment of chronic catarrhal gingivitis in children with administration of the medicine “BioGaia Prodentis” in a complex therapy contributes to oral cavity microbiocenosis normalization. Clinical efficacy of the proposed method is evidenced by the local treatment periods reduction almost twice as large and approximately 2/3 decreased of the disease signs relapse as compared to the initial indices.


  • In children at the age of 12–15 years chronic catarrhal gingivitis (CCG) is registered in 70–80 % of cases reaching 95–98 % in certain regions [1,3]

  • Among a wide range of probiotics our attention was drawn to the probiotic “BioGaia Prodentis” developed for local effect in the oral cavity

  • It contains about 100 million bacteria of Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938, approximately 100 million bacteria of Lactobacillus reuteri 5289 and additives: isomalt DC 100 (E 953); hydrogenated palm oil, sucrose esters of fatty acids, mint flavor, menthol flavor, mint oil, sucralose (E 955)

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In children at the age of 12–15 years chronic catarrhal gingivitis (CCG) is registered in 70–80 % of cases reaching 95–98 % in certain regions [1,3]. Antibiotic or antiseptics in the complex of CCG treatment are usually used that can cause dysbacteriosis. Among a wide range of probiotics our attention was drawn to the probiotic “BioGaia Prodentis” developed for local effect in the oral cavity. It contains about 100 million bacteria of Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 (per one lozenge), approximately 100 million bacteria of Lactobacillus reuteri 5289 (per one lozenge) and additives: isomalt DC 100 (E 953); hydrogenated palm oil, sucrose esters of fatty acids, mint flavor, menthol flavor, mint oil, sucralose (E 955). The mechanism of “BioGaia Prodentis” action is unique as it secretes natural inhibitors of wide spectrum pathogenic microorganisms growth including the antimicrobial compound reuterin which is specific only to the microorganisms Lactobacillus reuteri [5]

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