
The experiments were conducted at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, India during rabi seasons of 2011–12 to 2013–14 for management of major lepidopteran pests of cabbage. The treatments viz., pyridalyl 10 EC (56.25, 75, 112.5 and 150 g a. i./ha), indoxacarb 14.5 SC (56.25, 75, 112.5 and 150 ga. i./ha), chlorfenapyr 10 SC (75, 100, 150 and 200 g a. i./ha), chlorpyriphos 20 EC (250 g a. i./ha) and triazophos 40 EC (250 g a. i./ha) were applied twice with three replications. Pooled data indicated that chlorfenapyr @ 200 g a. i./ha recorded lowest percentage of DBM damage (1.38%) followed by pyridalyl @ 150 g a. i./ha (2.33%) and indoxacarb @ 150 g a. i./ha (2.38%). Minimum infestation of S. litura was found in indoxacarb @ 150 g a. i./ha treated plots (1.38%) followed by pyridalyl @ 150 g a. i./ha (1.96%). Highest marketable yield (61.88 t/ha) was recorded in indoxacrab (150 g a. i./ha) treated plots followed by chlorfenapyr (200 g a. i./ha) and pyridalyl (150 g a. i./ha) with 59.71 and 59.43 t/ha marketable yield, respectively.

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