The efficacy of ten insecticides and bioagents against sucking insect pests, viz., leaf hopper, Empoasca motti Pruthi; whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) and aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch of cluster bean Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (Linn.) Taub. revealed that dimethoate (0.03%), imidacloprid (0.005 %) and thiamethoxam (0.025 %) proved to be the most effective. The acephate (0.037 %), profenophos (0.05 %) and e- cyhalothrin (0.008 %) were ranked in the middle order of effectiveness; whereas, novaluron (0.02 %), diflubenzuron (0.05 %), NSKE (5.0 %) and Metarrhizium anisopliae (2 x107 spores l-1) were proved to be the least effective.
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