
Majority of reports regarding methods of myopia control are devoted to the use of orthokeratology lens¬es (OKL) or atropine. The purpose of the study was to estimate the efficacy and safety of using OKL in com¬bination with instillation of 0.01% atropine drops for myopia control in children. Material and methods. Prospective cohort study in¬cluded 34 patients (68 eyes) aged 8 to 14 years old with acquired myopia. Groups with low (17 patients, 34 eyes), moderate (12 patients, 24 eyes) and high (5 patients, 10 eyes) myopia were identified and examined prior to and 6, 12 and 18 months after adding 0.01% atropine instillations to OKL wearing. To assess the degree of pro¬gression of myopia in dynamics the following parameters were evaluated: refraction (by Huvitz MRK 3100P, axial length (AL) by IOL-Master, “Carl Zeiss”, (Germany), ampli¬tude of accommodation (AA) by Grand Seiko WRK-5100K, positive-relative accommodation (PRA), pseudoaccom¬modation (PA) and annual gradient of progression (AGP). Results. The most noticeable effect was observed in patients with low myopia. In patients with low myopia, the rate of annual progression gradient decreased by 3.4 times by 18th month of atropine use; therefore a condition close to stabilization of myopia progression occurred. The data is statistically significant. In patients with moderate myopia, despite the de¬crease of the AGP within 6-month period of atropine use by 3.7 times, the increase of APG was observed by 12th month of atropine use, which continued until 18th month of observation. In spite of this, in comparison with baseline indices, the decrease in the rate of myo¬pia progression was obtained. The data is statistically significant. In patients with high myopia, change in the AGP was not ob¬served within the 6-month period of atropine use; afterwards, a gradual decrease in the rate of myopia progression was noted: AGP decreased by 1.2 times by 12th month. By 18th month of atropine use, AGP decreased by 1.5 times compared to its initial level. The data is statistically significant. Evidently, the inhibitory effect of OKL, which is de¬termined by optical factors such as peripheral myopic defocus, even in combination with atropine, is not suf¬ficient to halt the progression of high myopia, because of structural and biomechanical changes of the sclera. Conclusion. Based on the preliminary results ob¬tained, 100% efficacy of a long-term instillation of low-concentration atropine cannot be claimed, howev¬er, the positive effect does exist and therefore the study continues.


  • В последнее десятилетие в мире отмечается рост близорукости, а в ряде стран она приобрела эпидемический характер

  • The purpose of the study was to estimate the efficacy and safety of using orthokeratology lenses (OKL) in combination with instillation of 0.01% atropine drops for myopia control in children

  • The most noticeable effect was observed in patients with low myopia

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В последнее десятилетие в мире отмечается рост близорукости, а в ряде стран она приобрела эпидемический характер. Цель: оценить эффективность и безопасность контроля миопии у пациентов детского возраста при использовании сочетания двух методов – ортокератологической (ОК) коррекции и инстилляций сверхмалых доз атропина (0,01%). Пациентов обследовали до и через 6, 12 и 18 месяцев после присоединения инстилляций 0,01% раствора атропина к ношению ортокератологических линз (ОКЛ) при продолжающемся процессе прогрессирования миопии. Наиболее заметную эффективность снижения темпов прогрессирования наблюдали при миопии слабой степени – в группе слабой миопии темп ГГП снизился в 3,4 раза к 18 месяцам применения атропина, то есть наступило состояние, близкое к стабилизации процесса прогрессирования миопии, данные достоверны. В группе средней миопии, несмотря на снижение ГГП в 3,7 раза в 6-месячный срок применения атропина, к 12 месяцам начался рост ГГП, который к 18 месяцам продолжился, тем не менее отмечено снижение темпа прогрессирования по сравнению с исходным в 1,3 раза, данные достоверны

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