
Fibroadenoma of the breast is the most common benign tumor of mixed Fibrous and Glandular tissue of the breast, occurring among younger (20-35 years) women. Fibroadenoma accounts for 7-15% of all breast tumors. It assumes that hormones such as Oestrogen may play a part in the growth and development of the tumors. So it is mostly seen in OCP users. Histologically fibroadenomas are comprised of glandular and cystic epithelial structures, surrounded by a cellular stroma. Fibroadenoma often present in adolescence, are recognized most frequently in pre-menopausal women & usually spontaneously involute at menopause. According to Unani Physicians Sula 39; saddi is the formation of tumour in the breast. It is formed beneath the skin due to accumulation of phlegm and this phlegm becomes viscid to form the tumor. This tumor has a characteristic that is totally differentiated from the flesh but attached to the skin superiorly. It is mobile and in the initial stages, the tumour is small and resembles the size of a peanut. Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of Munzij mushil and; zimaad therapy in ‘Sala e Sadi’ (fibroadenoma of the breast) and to minimize the surgical hazards. Methodology: The study was conducted in the Dept of Amraze Niswan wa Qabalat at Govt Nizamia Tibbi College and Hospital, Hyderabad. A total of 30 patients were selected for the study. An inclusion criteria includes women of reproductive age (from 15-50yrs) with a breast lmpu size <5cms. Exclusion criteria were pregnant women, menopausal women, breast lump size ;5cms, Carcinoma of breast, and women with serious medical illness were excluded. Munzij, Mushil, and zimaad therapy were the main principles of treatment. Single drugs such as Aslessoos, Parsiyaoshan, Tukhm e Kasoos, Gul e Surkh, Gul e banafsha, Gul e mundi, Sapistan, Tukhm e badiyan, Maveez,AftimoonVilaiti, etc were made as munzij and given for 21 days followed by mushil. Zimaad was prepared by Aarid e jao, Aarid e Hulba, Gul e Banafsha, Chabi e murg, Charbi e Batq. Zimaad is applied locally on the breast for 5 alternative days followed by munzij therapy. Results: In The present study it was observed that among total of 30 patients, 14 patients had less response (<30%), 16 patients showed a good response (30%) to the study medicine. Conclusion: The study proved the efficacy of unani formulation with good results in fibroadenoma of the breast without any side effects.

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