
Three hundred seventy-one crossbred-yearling heifers (299 +/- 9 kg initial BW) were obtained from a common source and used in a randomized complete-block designed finishing study. A 2 x 3 factorial arrangement of treatments was used with one factor being diet: based on steam-flaked corn finishing diet (SFC) or SFC plus 25% (dry basis) corn wet distillers grains with solubles (WDGS). The second factor was feed additives: no added antibiotics (NONE), 300 mg of monensin daily (MONENSIN), or 300 mg of monensin + 90 mg of tylosin daily (MON+TYL). Main effect of diet resulted in no difference in DMI (P = 0.34). Heifers fed SFC gained 9% faster (P = 0.01) and were 7% more efficient (P = 0.01) than heifers fed WDGS. In addition, heifers fed SFC had 3% heavier (P = 0.01) HCW; 1% greater (P = 0.01) dress yield; and had 3% larger (P = 0.05) LM area. Marbling score and carcasses that graded USDA Choice or better were both greater (P </= 0.03) for heifers fed SFC. Heifers fed MONENSIN had a smaller (P = 0.01) LM area than heifers fed NONE and tended (P = 0.09) to have smaller LM area than heifers fed MON+TYL. Marbling score, USDA quality grade, and USDA yield grade were not different (P >/= 0.12) among feed additive treatments. Kidney, pelvic, and heart fat and s.c. fat thickness at the 12th rib were also not different (P >/= 0.55) for main effects of diet and feed additive. There was a tendency (P = 0.09) for a diet x feed additive interaction for the most severe (A+) liver abscesses. Heifers fed NONE yielded the greatest percentage (16%) of A+ livers in the SFC treatment, whereas heifers fed MON+TYL yielded the greatest percentage (10%) in the WDGS treatment. Including wet distillers grains with solubles in diets based on steam-flaked corn decreased finishing heifer performance, HCW, and marbling. Tylosin addition tended to decrease severity of liver abscesses in diets containing SFC, but not in diets containing WDGS. These data indicate that monensin and tylosin may not be as effective when used in steam-flaked corn diets with 25% WDGS.

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