
The most mobile strains of steinemema feltiae Filip. (I95, I100) obtained from soil samples were multiplied on Galleria mellonella L. larvae and the juveniles of these strains, those of the All D strain and those of Australian S. bibionis Bov. (T335) were applied in autumn and spring against treeboring larvae of the clearwing moth Synanthedon myopaeformis Brkh., in North Italian apple-orchards. Rates of infection of the clearwing moth larvae ranged from 74% to 94%. Another clearwing species (S. typhiaeformis Brkh.) proved to be less susceptible to entomogenous nematodes even under ideal laboratory conditions. Besides having potential for use in control programmes in apple orchards against S. myopaeformis, the nematodes were also found to be effective against the Leopard moth (Zeuzera pyrina L. (Lepidopt; Cossidae)). Factors which may influence the performance of nematodes against S. myopaeformis and S. tyPhiaeformis are discussed.

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