Diacerein (D) belongs to a class of symptomatic slow-acting agents, has an original mechanism of action, and is widely used as a diseasemodifying antirheumatic drug to treat osteoarthritis (OA) in Russia and many countries of the world. The ability of the drug to affect the main symptoms and progression of OA has been shown in a number of well-organized clinical trials. Objective: to evaluate the efficacy and safety of D in patients with knee OA. Patients and methods . An open-label trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of D (diaflex) in patients with knee OA was conducted in accordance with the multicenter program «Osteoarthrosis: Assessment of Progression in Real Clinical Practice». The trial included 80 patients of both sexes with Stage II–III knee OA; mean age, 60.8±6.8 years (47–75 years); mean body mass index, 31.8±5.9 kg/m2; disease duration, 10.3±5.7 years (2–30 years). The duration of the trial was 9 months (6 months of therapy and 3 months of follow-up). Results . There was a statistically significant reduction in visual analog scale pain on walking just 1 month after therapy initiation (57.1±9.7 and 44.7±13.9 mm; p<0.0001) and a further significant improvement throughout the 6-month therapy. Pain did not increase after the drug was discontinued (the follow-up period was 3 months). The same pattern was observed in the assessment of the WOMAC index (pain during early therapy, 243.8±73.9; pain at the end of therapy, 137.5±78.9; stiffness, 97.8±41.1 and 57.7±38.6; functional failure, 875.8±250.4 and 525±305.7 respectively; p<0.0001). Statistically significantly improved quality of life indicators measured by EQ-5D were noted throughout the follow-up period: 0.43±0.23 at the beginning of therapy, 0.61±0.14 at its end, and 0.63±0.11 at 3 months following treatment completion (p<0.0001). By the time of therapy completion, 71.3% of the patients completely refused to take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Both the patient and the physician evaluated the efficiency of treatment identically. By the end of therapy, 87.5% of the patients were observed to have improvement. Adverse reactions (ARs) were recorded in 10 (12.5%) patients and mainly associated with more frequent stools; ARs were not a cause of treatment interruptions or protocol deviations. Conclusion. Diaflex has a good symptomatic and anti-inflammatory effect: the therapy statistically significantly reduces pain, stiffness, and the need for NSAIDs and improves quality of life and joint function. The drug has a good safety profile and after-effects, which is seen at least 3 months after therapy discontinuation.
Диацереин (Д) относится к медленно действующим симптоматическим средствам, обладает оригинальным механизмом действия и широко используется в России и многих странах мира для базисной медикаментозной терапии остеоартрита (ОА)
An open-label trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of D in patients with knee OA was conducted in accordance with the multicenter program «Osteoarthrosis: Assessment of Progression in Real Clinical Practice»
The same pattern was observed in the assessment of the WOMAC index
Эффективность и безопасность диацереина у пациентов с остеоартритом коленных суставов Алексеева Л.И., Кашеварова Н.Г., Таскина Е.А., Шарапова Е.П., Аникин С.Г., Короткова Т.А., Стребкова Е.А. В рамках многоцентровой программы «Остеоартроз: оценка прогрессирования в реальной клинической практике» проведено открытое исследование, посвященное оценке эффективности и безопасности Д (диафлекс) у пациентов с ОА коленных суставов. Улучшение качества жизни по EQ-5D (статистически значимое) отмечалось на протяжении всего периода наблюдения: в начале терапии – 0,43±0,23, в конце – 0,61±0,14 и через 3 мес после окончания лечения – 0,63±0,11 (р
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