
Investments in artificial intelligence (AI) spurred development of online fact-checking tools; positioned to potentially serve as more accurate alternatives or appendages to search engines and/or nascent chatbots. This study analyzed the efficacy of four AI tools (ClaimBuster, Full Fact, TheFactual - IsThisCredible?, and Google’s Fact-Check Explorer) in producing accurate readings measured by a consensus of independent fact-checking organizations. 10 unique claims were inputted into each tool to produce individual fact-check reports, resulting in 40 fact-check reports being conducted. The results reflect an efficacy rating of 100% regarding the ability of the selected tools to produce an overall accurate reading with 89% of reports producing a unanimous determination. Additionally, recommendations were made to further map and analyze the efficacy of AI fact-checking. These findings support the notion that AI can play an effective role in aiding online truth-seeking when its determinations depend on transparently referencing its source of independent human fact-checkers.

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