
Efferent phrenic nerve and medullary respiratory neuron discharges were examined for age-dependent changes of activities during normocapnic hyperoxia and hypoxia in anesthetized and decebrate kittens (22–150 days old). In animals less than 39 days of age, phrenic power spectra during hyperoxia were dominated by components in the medium-frequency band (20–50 Hz), whereas spectra of animals of at least 39 days of age were dominated by components in the high-frequency band (50–100 Hz). Such high-frequency oscillations were also observed in the power spectra of some inspiratory neurons in animals of at least 43 days old. In hypoxia, the amplitude of phrenic discharge exhibited an initial facilitation folloed by a diminution (i.e. biphasic response) in animals 39 days old or younger. In animals older than 39 days, however, hypoxia elicited a sustained facilitation of phrenic discharge amplitude. In contrast, no such age-dependent change in response pattern to hypoxia was observed for neuronal discharges; rather, responses of most neurons consisted of either decreases of discharge frequency, or complete abolishment of discharges.

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