
The aim and tasks of the study. The purpose was to study the combining ability of winter bread wheat cultivars – carriers of wheat-rye translocations (WRT) for performance elements to determine their breeding values and to simulate selection of high-yielding offspring. Results and discussion. The results of analysis of variance attest to strong effects both of the general combining ability (GCA) and of the specific combining ability (SCA) for performance elements in the cultivars under investigation. At the same time, the mean square variance of the GCA was higher than that of of the SCA. Thus, we can affirm that additive effects dominate in the genetic control of the bread winter wheat performance elements, since the ratio of variances was >1.We distinguished the cultivars with a high GCA in F1for performance elements: Smuhlianka – the spikelet number in the main spike, 1000-grain weight, grain weight per plant; Epokha Odeska – the grain number in the main spike; Kryzhynka – 1000-grain weight; Rozkishna – grain weight from the main spike and grain weight per plant. Smuhlianka was distinguished among the others due to its with high and intermediate effects of the GCA. Kryzhynka, Rozkishna, and Epokha Odeska were some what inferior to it. Estimation of the combining ability suggests Smuhlianka as the best donor of grain productivity elements. According to the SCA constants, all the studied wheat cultivar shad intermediate indices for the most traits in 2014–2015. Cultivars with WRT were not distinguished by stable constants of the SCA and were not inferior tothe other studied cultivars, except Epokha Odeska. High constants of the SCA for some traits in WRT carriers indicate increased variability of the trait under investigation. Therefore, these cultivars may have specific hybrid combinations both with overexpression and with under expression of an inherited trait.Conclusions. Cultivars with wheat-rye translocations – Smuhlianka and Kryzhynka are of the highest value for breeding as components in crossings, providing formation of promising populations for selection of elite plants with increased performance.


  • Комбінаційна здатність14,47 15,88 2,894** 3,175** 15,01 11,85 10,04 2,94 2,01** 0,59** 10,69 5,01 20,39 16,37 4,08** 3,27** 9,49 12,85 887,31 387,09 177,46** 77,42** 41,19 71,98 318,45 199,30 63,69** 39,86** 12,70 16,07 2,35 1,19 0,47** 0,24** 171,10 41,27 229,09 107,62 45,82** 21,52** 177,82 40,53 14,47 46,17 1,631** 3,076** 8,46 11,48 4,54 2,39 0,30 0,16 1,61 1,36 14,47 6,67 0,96* 0,44 2,24 1,74

  • Специфічн аЗа даними дисперсійного аналізу висока значущість ефектів комбінаційної здатності дозволяє перейти до індивідуального оцінювання ЗКЗ і СКЗ досліджуваних сортів.

  • Загалом сорт Смуглянка стабільно проявив ЗКЗ за ознаками: високу – кількість колосків на колосі, маса 1000 зерен та маса зерна рослини; середню або високу – довжина колосу і маса зерен основного колосу; низьку або середню – продуктивна кущистість.

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Комбінаційна здатність

14,47 15,88 2,894** 3,175** 15,01 11,85 10,04 2,94 2,01** 0,59** 10,69 5,01 20,39 16,37 4,08** 3,27** 9,49 12,85 887,31 387,09 177,46** 77,42** 41,19 71,98 318,45 199,30 63,69** 39,86** 12,70 16,07 2,35 1,19 0,47** 0,24** 171,10 41,27 229,09 107,62 45,82** 21,52** 177,82 40,53 14,47 46,17 1,631** 3,076** 8,46 11,48 4,54 2,39 0,30 0,16 1,61 1,36 14,47 6,67 0,96* 0,44 2,24 1,74

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