
The adverse effect of varicocele on spermatogenesis has been recognized for nearly thirty years but it was not until 1952 that it was proved possible to improve fertility by varicocele ligation. In this paper the author traces the development of research into the effects of varicocele on the sperm count, sperm motility, sperm morphology and testicular histology and attempts to correlate these with similar findings after successful ligation of the varicocele, drawing both on published work in a variety of centres and on the author's own experience in almost 150 personal operations. This paper will also deal with the rationale of operation, the surgical technique involved and the indications and contraindications to its performance. The author does not delve into the realms of theory as to the etiology of varicocele or the reasons why it may possibly affect fertility in man since these are potentially numerous and none of them have yet been finally accepted as conclusive.

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