
The effects of laser parameters such as intensity, wavelength, and bandwidth on the determination of the Sn isotope ratio are analyzed numerically with density-matrix equations. The bandwidth of the laser is taken into account by the chaotic-field model. We consider the isotopes of Sn that consist of the even-mass isotopes with no nuclear spin and the odd-mass isotopes with a nuclear spin of \ensuremath{\Elzxh}/2. In the scheme in which a first laser excites atoms to an intermediate state and a second laser ionizes them, the exciting-laser intensity has greater influence on the isotope ratio than the ionizing-laser intensity regardless of the laser bandwidth. As regards the laser bandwidth, a comparison is made between the broad bandwidth that overlaps all intermediate levels of the isotopes and the narrow bandwidth that is small enough to excite only the intermediate level of the even-mass isotopes. The even-mass isotopes whose intermediate level is on resonance are more ionized than the odd-mass isotopes when the intensity of the broadband exciting laser is small, while the odd-mass isotopes are more ionized when the intensity of the narrow-band exciting laser is large. The isotope ratio is sensitive to the exciting-laser wavelength even when the laser bandwidth is broad.

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