
According to Bradshaw in (Surianti, 2022) the Inner Child is the result of experiences or events in the past that have not been resolved properly. The method we use in this research is the literature study research method. Literature study research is a type of research that uses literature reviews, books, notes, relevant previous research results, and other references in collecting in-depth information and data, as well as as a theoretical basis for getting answers to the problems to be researched (Mufidah & Isha, 2022). The occurrence of inner children in children is caused by parenting patterns of parents who do not pay enough attention to their children. Parenting patterns are an important role for children so that inner children do not occur in their children, and there are several parenting patterns of parents who use three different parenting styles to raise children. - their child. First, parent group meetings are groups of people who have and enjoy social relationships. Second, authoritarian parenting is a parenting style that is given to parents, asked for and giving little attention to something the child wants. Authoritarian parenting provides attitudes, punishments and orders that children must carry out without any opportunity to speak. Third, authoritative parenting style, this parenting style is very good to use in educating children. This parenting style is carried out in a way that is fun and also provides control, as well as accepting or listening to the child's wishes and responding to them lovingly in together.

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