
Temperature dependences of the series resistance in the Cr/ n-Si/Au–Sb Schottky structures prepared by electrodeposition method have been studied using current–voltage ( I–V) characteristics in the 80–320 K temperature range by steps of 20 K. However, the values of series resistance obtained from Cheung functions were compared with each other, and it was seen that there is a good agreement between the values of the series resistance. A modified Norde’s function combined with conventional forward I–V method was used to extract the parameters including barrier height and the series resistance. The barrier height and series resistance obtained from Norde’s function were compared with those from Cheung functions. The values of barrier height and series resistance have very different especially towards to the lower temperatures. This is attributed to non-ideal I–V characteristics of the Cr/ n-Si/Au–Sb Schottky structure and non-pure thermionic emission theory due to the low temperature effects.

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