
The hypothesis of our study is that sugammadex has protective efficacy against ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury in rats. Our study included 28 male Wistar Albino rats. The rats were assigned to four groups. The sham group had no procedure other than anesthesia administration. The control group received three hours of ischemia and 24 hours of reperfusion. The Sgdx4 group received 4 mg/kg, and the Sgdx16 group received 16 mg/kg sugammadex intravenously, and then, reperfusion was applied. Histopathological investigation, and serum creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and serum and tissue malondialdehyde (MDA) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) analyses were performed. When the sham group and the control group were compared, there were statistically significant differences histopathologically (p<0.01). There was no significant difference between the Sgdx4 group compared with the sham and control groups histopathologically (p>0.01). There was a significant difference between the Sgdx16 group and the sham group histopathologically (p<0.01). There were significant differences between the sham and control groups concerning CK and LDH levels (p<0.01). There was a significant difference in the levels of CK between the control group and Sgdx4 group and in the levels of CK and LDH between the control group and Sgdx16 group (p<0.01). In our study, we examined the histological and biochemical protective effects of 4 mg/kg sugammadex on unilateral lower extremity I/R injury in rats. The findings suggest that a 4 mg/kg dose of sugammadex was more effective than a 16 mg/kg dose.

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