
AbstractA fundamental problem in ecology, regardless of habitat or system, is understanding the relationship between habitats and assemblage of organisms. It is commonly accepted that differences in composition and surrounding landscape of habitats affect the diversity of assemblages, although there is not much empirical evidence because of difficulties of manipulating structure in many habitats. These relationships were examined experimentally, using habitats of artificial turfs that are colonized by diverse assemblages of gastropods. Each habitat was made of nine sub‐habitats, which were sampled individually to allow tests of hypotheses about the effect of type of habitat and the influence of other adjacent sub‐habitats on the colonizing assemblage. Turf habitats were deployed for 8 weeks on a rocky shore after which they were collected and the colonizing assemblages of gastropods sampled. Independently of the types of turfs combined to form different habitats, there were more species where there was more than one type of component in a habitat (i.e. structural diversity). The type of habitat (i.e. structural identity) itself had little or no influence on the colonizing assemblage. The number of species colonizing short‐sparse and short‐dense turfs was influenced by which type of habitat was adjacent. Thus, when units of one type (e.g. short‐sparse turf) were added to a patch of habitat of long‐sparse turfs, the number of species in short‐sparse turfs was greater than in patches of the same type. This also increased total number of taxa in the whole patch of habitat. These results show how diversity of gastropods colonizing heterogeneous patches of habitat is influenced not only by the number of types of sub‐habitats, but also by interactions with surrounding sub‐habitats. These findings reiterate the importance of investigating the role of structure of habitats and of their surrounding landscapes across different systems, irrespective of their size or associated assemblages of organisms.

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