
Study on the effects of storage period on the hatchability of Japanese quail (coturnix coturnix iaponica) eggs was conducted at National Veterinary Research Institute (NVRI) Hatchery Unit Vom. Three hundred and sixty (360) fertile quail eggs of normal weight (8-10g) from 4-month-old flock were divided into four groups (A, B, C, D). The first group (A) of ninety eggs were set immediately after collection (less than 24 hours), while groups B, C and D (90 eggs each) 7, 14 and 21 days respectively before incubation. Automatic cabinet electric incubator (WesternR) was used in incubating the eggs for 16-17 days at temperature of 99.7oF and relative humidity (RH) of 65%. All normal incubatory practices were observed. Average daily meteorological data was taken during the period of storage. Results showed that eggs incubated immediately after collection (group A) had the highest hatchability of 62% followed by 23% in those eggs incubated after 7 days of storage (group B). Eggs incubated after 14 and 21 days of storage (group C and D) had zero hatchability. Significant differences(P<0.001) exist between group D (21 days) and group C(14 days) with 23.3% and 11.1% respectively, while the least (6.7%) were in those eggs in group A. It was concluded that as in chicken eggs; Japanese quail eggs should not be stored for long periods.

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