
AIM: To assess the influence of rutin and caffeine on absorbable sutures.INTRODUCTION: Absorbable sutures are initially equal or superior to non absorbable sutures in terms of tensile strength but are absorbed,at variable rates by the action of hydrolysis (1). synthetic absorbable sutures have been recognised as an important step forward in the historymof suture materials. Synthetic absorbable sutures have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for almost all surgical uses with the exception of certain cardiovascular and neurological procedures (2). Many drinks, including coffee and tea, contain a significant amount of the purine alkaloid caffeine. Antioxidant effects of caffeine and its metabolites theobromine and xanthine have been demonstrated.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two resorbable sutures ( PGA and Vicryl) were used for the study. The suture materials were coated with rutin and caffeine and were subjected to Scanning electron microscopy, to assess the tensile strength, antioxidant and anti inflammatory activity.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: According to the study, PGA had higher tensile strength than vicryl at day 14 and is a good suture if tensile strength is needed after that point. Rutin showed relatively higher antioxidant activity when compared to caffeine. caffeine showed good anti inflammatory activity.
 CONCLUSION: On analysing the tensile strength, PGA suture shows greater tensile strength compared to vicryl suture.

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