The study assessed the effects of rural agriprenuership investment as nexus for poverty reduction and income generation in southeast Nigeria using 200 respondents selected through random sampling technique. Data were collected using questionnaire administered in the form of interview schedule. Data collected were analyse using descriptive statistics such as frequencies percentages, and multiple regression. Results indicated that agriprenuership investors were mainly male (63%) investors with average age of 41years and were married with average household size of 6 persons. Furthermore, the agriprenuers investors’ had 10 years average experience in agriprenuership investment that earned average annual household income of N676,176.00, and were members of co-operative societies. Result also showed that the income distribution of female agriprenuerial households was at high inequality as seen in the convex nature of the Lorenz curve to the line of equality. Results also showed that the income distribution of male agriprenuers where evenly distributed as it was almost parallel to the line of equality. Result further showed agricultural enterprises accounted for 72% changes in income generation of agriprenuers as evident from the R2 of 0.72 that income from livestock production (3.390), crop production (2.710) and processing sector (1.301) were positive and significantly related to the income generation. Similarly, agricultural enterprises accounted for 84% changes in poverty reduction as production (1.674) and processing sector (3.688) were positive and significantly related to poverty reduction. From the finding, it was concluded that rural agripreneurship investment had positively and significantly influenced agriprenuers income generation and poverty reduction in Southeast, Nigeria. The study recommended for the creation of environment that favours investment in the rural areas especially in linking rural areas with microfinance
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