
AimA large body of evidence supports a role of polyphenols in the prevention of chronic diseases, i.e. type 2 diabetes (DMT2), cardiovascular diseases and some types of cancer. In the present manuscript, the effect of polyphenol/phenolic compounds on the main cardio-metabolic risk factors (body weight, blood pressure, blood glucose concentrations, plasma lipids, inflammation and oxidative stress) in humans will be discussed. Data synthesisEpidemiological evidence supports the beneficial effects of polyphenol-rich diets in the prevention of T2D risk. However, the available evidence from randomized controlled clinical trials did not allow the identification of specific phenolic compounds or polyphenol-rich foods that effectively improve cardio-metabolic risk factors. The most promising results in terms of the management of cardio-metabolic risk factors derive from RCTs based on a long-term intake of polyphenol-rich foods and beverages. Therefore, future studies should focus on a diet containing different classes of polyphenols rather than a specific food or phenolic compound. The hypothesis is that a polyphenol-rich diet may have a pleiotropic effect on cardiometabolic risk factors thanks to the specific action of different polyphenol subclasses. ConclusionThe lack of conclusive evidence on the effectiveness of polyphenols in the management of cardio-metabolic risk factors does not allow recommendation of their use as supplements to reduce T2D and CVD risk. However, the daily consumption of naturally polyphenol-rich foods and beverages might be advised according to the current nutritional dietary recommendation.

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