
Anxiety is a common problem within adolescents in the United States. There are therapists and group settings available to this population to ease anxiety but it may not be feasible for them. PURPOSE: To create a program to help middle and high school students handle anxiety. METHODS: There is one participant in this study who will go through a four week program including eight different bibliotherapies that were found on Youtube. The participant will complete exercises based solely on their wants. The child will pick what type and the duration of the exercise. Once the exercise is completed, they will read the bibliotherapy for that week. Once the exercise and readings are completed, they will answer questions pertaining to their anxiety. PRACTICAL IMPLICATION: Regardless of whether their anxiety increases, decreases or stays the same, the child is going to exercise more than before. The bibliotherapies and physical activity combination may provide some relief for the student’s anxiety while also getting them more physically active.

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