
Abstract Older adults frequently experience falls, which is a serious issue that can have severe effects on both the individual and society. Physiotherapy can play an important role in older persons to avoid falling. The objective of the current study is to evaluate the potential efficacy of Otago exercise and Pilates based exercise for preventing falls. On the basis of inclusion criteria 75 older adult women were randomly assigned into three groups, i.e. Group A (Otago exercise group), Group B (Pilates exercise group) and Group C (Control group). Mobility, fear of fall, activities of daily living, balance and sleep quality were examined at baseline and after 6 weeks of the intervention. Otago exercise group session was administered for 30 min per day, at a frequency of 5 sessions per week, for a period of 6 weeks, whereas Pilates based exercise group session was for 30 min., 3 days/week for 6 weeks. There was a significant difference in time up and go test score (), fall efficacy scale (), Berg balance scale (), whereas no or minimal significant was the Barthel index score (). Sleep quality improved by Pilates based exercise () more than other groups. Main findings of the present study suggest that Otago exercise program improve mobility, activity of daily living, balance, decrease fear of fall and Pilates can be used to improve sleep.

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