A Field experiment was carried out during Kharif season of 2018 at the research farm in Udai Pratap (Autonomous) College; Varanasi (U.P.), India. The site was adjoining to the Department of Horticulture of the college. The experiment consisted of Six treatments comprising of combinations of recommended doses of organic and inorganic manures (FYM, Vermicompost and poultry manures). The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RBD) with six treatment combinations (T0– Control, T1 -Conventional practices- recommended FYM + fertilizer + PPI with chemicals, T2 -100% RDF through Vermicompost T3 (100% RDF through FYM), T4 -50% RDF through Vermicompost +50% RDF through poultry manure and T5 -50% RDF through FYM + 50% RDF through poultry manure. The applications of 50% RDF through Vermicompost at 7.5 ton/ha + 50% RDF through poultry manures at 5 ton/ha (T4) resulted in maximum value of growth and yield attributes viz. maximum growth (leaf length), yield parameters (root length, root weight, root diameter, root yield/ plot) and root yield q/ha. It is revealed from the data obtained that the significantly maximum root yield/ha of radish was recorded with the application of 50% RDF(Recommended dose of Fertilizer) through Vermicompost + 50% RDF through poultry manures (PPI-Pre plant Incorporation with organic methods) (T4) along with maximum net return of and maximum benefit cost ratio.
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