
Low-lying baryon resonances have been explored using Hamiltonian Effective Field Theory (HEFT), in a formalism where resonances with a three-quark component are described by both two-particle meson–baryon states and a bare basis state. Here, we investigate the use of multiple bare states in the Hamiltonian, to extend the formalism to higher energy ranges, and represent a larger portion of the low-lying baryon spectrum. Introducing a second bare state into a toy model extension of the low-energy Δ(1232) system, we explore the influence of the second bare state on the position of poles in the infinite-volume T-matrix. Considering the same system in a finite-volume, we analyse the finite-volume energy spectrum in the presence of a second bare state, providing insight into the interplay between two bare basis states, representing quark-model states, and the relationship between infinite-volume poles and finite-volume eigenstates.

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