
The effect of long-term aging at 1070°C on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ni3Al-base equiaxed superalloy IC6E was investigated. The microstructure change during aging for periods of 100 to 1500h was examined by SEM . Results showed that alloy IC6E underwent following microstructure changes during aging: γ' phases coalesced and grew, γ phases became disconnected and coarsened, the content of Mo (the solution-hardening element of γ and γ' phases) in γ' phases decreased, Y-NiMo phases precipitated from γ phases both at grain boundaries and within grains, and γ' bands and large γ phases emerged along grain boundaries. The tensile and stress rupture properties after aging were determined. The results showed that the yield strength of alloy IC6E at room temperature decreased obviously after aging for 100 h, and reduced slowly during further aging. The stress rupture life under 1070°C, 80MPa also had no essential change during aging.

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