
We used the natural abundance of 15N in soils in forests, pastures and cultivated lands in the Menagesha and Wendo-Genet areas of Ethiopia to make inferences about the N cycles in these ecosystems. Since we have described the history of these sites based on variations in 13C natural abundance, patterns of δ15N and δ13C values were compared to determine if shifts of 15N correlate with shifts of vegetation. At Menagesha, a > 500-yr-old planted forest, we found δ15N values from −8.8 to +3.5‰ in litter, from −3.5 to +4.5‰ in 0–10 cm soil layer, and from −1.5 to +6.8‰ at >20 cm soil depth. The low δ15N in litter and surface mineral soils suggests that a closed N cycle has operated for a long time. At this site, the low δ13C of the surface horizon and the high δ13C of the lower soil horizons is clear evidence of a long phase of C4 grass dominance or cultivation of C4 crops before the establishment of the forest >500 years ago. In contrast, at Wendo-Genet, high δ13C of soils reveals that most of the land has been uncovered by forests until recently. Soil δ15N was high throughout (3.4–9.8‰), and there were no major differences between forested, cultivated and pasture soils in δ15N values of surface mineral soils. The high δ15N values suggest that open N cycles operate in the Wendo-Genet area. From the points of view of soil fertility management, it is interesting that tall forest ecosystems with relatively closed N cycling could be established on the fairly steep slopes at Menagesha after a long period of grass vegetation cover or cultivation.

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