
Invasive plants dramatically shift the structure of native wetland communities. However, less is known about how they affect belowground soil properties, and how those effects can vary depending on time since invasion. We hypothesized that invasion of a wetland by a widespread invasive plant (Typha × glauca) would result in changes in soil nutrients, denitrification, and bacterial communities, and that these effects would increase with time since invasion. We tested these hypotheses by sampling Typha-invaded sites of different ages (~40, 20, and 13 years), a Typha-free, native vegetation site, and a restored site (previously invaded ~30–40 years ago) but that had Typha return within 2 years of the restoration. At each site, we measured Typha stem density, plant species richness, soil nutrients, denitrification rates, and the abundance and composition of bacterial denitrifier communities. All Typha-dominated sites had the least plant species richness regardless of time since invasion. Additionally, sites that were invaded the longest exhibited significantly higher concentrations of soil organic matter, nitrate, and ammonium than the native site. In contrast, denitrification was higher in sites invaded more recently. Denitrifier diversity for the nirS gene was also significantly different, with highest nirS diversity in sites invaded the longest. Interestingly, the denitrifier communities within the restored site were most similar to the ones in T. × glauca sites, suggesting a legacy effect. Our study suggests this invader can alter important ecosystem properties, such as native species richness, nutrient pools, and transformations, as well as bacterial community composition depending on time since invasion.

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