
Invasive plants can alter pollination dynamics by disrupting pollinator visitation and pollen transfer dynamics. However, a consensus regarding the direction of their overall effects (competitive vs. facilitative) remains elusive. Here, we evaluate the role of floral traits and spatial scale (community vs. floral neighborhood) in mediating invasive Cirsium arvense effects on resident plant species at multiple stages of the pollination process. C. arvense decreased pollinator visitation rate at the community level only for species with radial floral symmetry. At the floral neighborhood scale, pollinator visitation rate to all resident species was lower in the presence of C. arvense regardless of symmetry. C. arvense altered patterns of conspecific pollen receipt at the floral neighborhood scale, but the direction of the effect varied by plant species. We argue that these scale-dependent effects may be mediated by differences in foraging range and behavior of the main pollinators in the community. C. arvense, however, did not affect the overall reproductive success of resident species at either scale, suggesting that plants at our study sites may not be pollen limited. We further show evidence suggesting that C. arvense may alter the structure of community-level plant–plant interactions via heterospecific pollen transfer by subverting the roles of resident pollen donors within the pollen transfer network. Overall, our results suggest that generalized species (with radial flowers) may be more susceptible to invasive species’ effects than specialized ones (bilateral flowers) and highlight the need to consider scale-dependent effects in order to develop a more predictive understanding of invasive species effects in nature.

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