
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in English; abstract also in Chinese. The objective of the present study was to examine the effects of Guizhi-Longgu-Muli Tang (a traditional Chinese medicine) supplement on physiopsychological responses in mental stimuli in personal archery competition. Eleven archery athletes were randomly allocated into two groups: Guizhi-Longgu-Muli Tang (GLMT group) and Yi-Ren (placebo, PL group). All subjects completed 2 sessions following 3 days (2.0g/time, 3 times per day) of GLMT and placebo administered in a double-blind counterbalanced crossover maimer with 14-day washout. Besides, the subjects also took 2.0g of GLMT or placebo 30 min before the personal archery competition. Our findings showed that no difference was seen between treatments in physical parameters of HR (heart rate), SBP (systolic blood pressure) before and after the competition. However, there was a significantly lower pre- and post-competition DBP (diastolic blood pressure) response in the GLMT trial than in the PL trial. In biochemical parameters, there was a significantly lower pre-competition GLU (glucose), ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone), and NE (norepinephrine) response in the GLMT trial than in the PL trial. Additionally, the trait anxiety was significantly positive correlated to state anxiety both in GLMT and PL groups. In conclusion, the findings of this study indicated that Guizhi-Longgu-Muli Tang supplementation could decrease the level of DBP, GLU, ACTH and NE. It might reduce physiopsychological responses in mental stimuli and probably improve exercise performance of the archery athletes. 本研究主要探討服用桂枝龍骨牡蠣湯後從事個人對抗賽對射箭選手生理心理反應之影響。以11位健康射箭選手為對象,採隨機交叉平衡次序法,分別給予每位受試者服用桂枝龍骨牡蠣湯(GIMD或安慰劑(PL)三天,每天服用三次,每次服用2.0g,並於射箭對抗賽前30分鐘再服用2.0g,之後在於射箭個人對抗賽前,測量心跳率、血壓及測定促腎上腺皮質激素、皮質醇、腎上腺素、正腎上腺素、睪固酮、生長激素及泌乳素等荷爾蒙的濃度。結果顯示,服用桂枝龍骨牡蠣湯不影響競賽前後心跳率及收縮壓;但GLMT組舒張壓顯著低於PL組;GLMT組競賽前的血糖、促腎上腺皮質激素、正腎上腺素濃度顯著低於PL組;此外, GLMT組與PL組的特質性焦慮與狀態性均呈正相關。綜合以上結果得知,服用桂枝龍骨牡蠣湯,可降低競賽前的舒張壓、血糖、 促腎上腺皮質激素及正腎上腺素,或許可降低競賽前的心理壓力,進而促進運動表現。


  • SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; GLU: glucose; ACTH : adrenocorticotropic Hormone; TE: testosterone; CORT: cortisol; EP: epinephrine; NE: norepinephrine; GH : growth hormone; PRL: prolactin ‡ ,QGLFDWHV VLJQLÀFDQW GLIIHUHQFH WR SODFHER JURXS S.

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