
Forkhead boxO (FOXO) transcription factors regulate diverse biological processes, including cellular metabolism, cell apoptosis, and the cell cycle. Results from several studies indicate FOXO1 regulates different granulosa cell (GC) pathways involved in proliferation, survival and differentiation. Functions and mechanisms of FOXO1 regulation of sheep GCs remain unclear. This study was conducted to analyze the function of FOXO1 in regulation of sheep GCs. In this study, the 1827 bp sheep FOXO1 coding sequence was cloned from sheep GCs. Multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis indicated that the FOXO1 protein sequence is highly homologous to FOXO1 protein sequences from other species. The results obtained from using CCK-8 assays indicated sheep GC proliferation increased when there was suppression of FOXO1 gene expression. When there was induced expression of the FOXO1 gene in sheep GCs, there was a resulting increased abundance of P21 and P27 mRNA transcript, whereas suppression of the FOXO1 gene expression had the opposite effect. Furthermore, the relative abundance in vitro of apoptosis-related protein mRNA transcripts (caspase3, caspase8, caspase9, Bax/Bcl-2) was markedly increased or decreased when there was induction or suppression of FOXO1 gene expression, respectively,(P < 0.05). Induction of FOXO1 gene expression resulted in an increase in abundance of steroidogenic protein mRNA transcripts (CYP11A1, 3β-HSD), while suppression of FOXO1 gene expresion resulted in a decrease abundance of the CYP11A1, STAR mRNA transcripts. Results from the present study indicated that FOXO1 inhibited the proliferation of sheep GCs and affected mRNA transcript abundance for proteins involved in regulation of apoptosis, the cell cycle and steroidogenesis.

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