
Fingerprints are unique to individuals and play an important role in the investigations at the crime scene. Today searches for developing the best methods to detect the fingerprints that are not completely visible or not have sufficient characteristics are still ongoing. In this study, 2448 fingerprints were used as samples collected from four individuals, between 24-50 years old, two women and two men, who signed the consent form as material. Porous and nonporous materials were used to develop fingerprints in the laboratory. Glass, metal, and plastic materials were used as nonporous materials. Cyanoacrylate vapor and staining methods were used for non-porous materials. Iodine vapor, ninhydrin, and silver nitrate were used for porous materials such as paper and raw wood. Image sharpening was performed by taking high-quality photographs for each sample. Thus, fingerprints were identified. Fingerprints that can and cannot be classified were successfully compared and their data were calculated. The experimental results showed that surface types are extremely important in the elucidation of the event in detecting hidden fingerprints of the perpetrator.

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