
Abstract The aim of this study is to do a research on the effects of e-learning and sub-categories such as :internet; Web-based English learning and computer-assisted language learning(CALL)on language learning.Before growing prevalence of Word Wide Web (www);people use emails for language learning and teaching (LL/LT).In network-based language learning (NBLL); people use computer-based educational activities. The main advantage of e-learning is that it increases the engagement; attendance and motivation of students which are requisite for learning.By advent of Web and internet; English learning (EL) improved because internet had its own language and logic and was not limited to one culture. Indeed; learning English via internet challenges traditional from of learning. Internet is a virtual English environment. People become autonomous by using internet and they can independent from books and teacher such as chartrooms and mass media which increase the oral proficiencies of learners. the use of mass media such as books and manuscripts and internet media (like blogs; message boards; podcasts; and video sharing ) are another faces of e-learning.Although using mass media and internet media are challenging and time consuming. They provide teacher and students with creative and practical ideas.

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