
Vaccine adjuvants, such as liposome-based cationic adjuvant formulations (CAFs), are able to boost immune responses and, by incorporation of distinct immunomodulators, steer immunity towards a desired direction in mice, non-human primates and humans, while less studied in pigs. Here we used commercial pigs to investigate polarizing adjuvant effects of CAFs with immunomodulators: C-type lectin receptor ligands trehalose-6,6ʼ-dibehenate and monomycolyl glycerol, toll-like receptor 3 ligand Poly(I:C) or retinoic acid. Vaccines were formulated with a recombinant Chlamydia model protein antigen and administered via three injection routes. All adjuvants significantly increased antigen-specific IgG in serum, compared to non-adjuvanted antigen. Administering the vaccines through intramuscular and intraperitoneal routes induced significantly higher antigen-specific IgG and IgA serum antibodies, than the perirectal route. Although immunizations triggered cell-mediated immunity, no significant differences between adjuvants or injection sites were detected. Genes depicting T cell subtypes revealed only minor differences. Our findings suggest that specific signatures of the tested adjuvant immunomodulation do not translate well from mice to pigs in standard two-dose immunizations. This study provides new insights into immune responses to CAFs in pigs, and highlights that adjuvant development should ideally be carried out in the intended species of interest or in models with high predictive validity/translational value.

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