
In order to study the influences of design parameters of materials,including the level of potassium citrate in cigarette paper,the permeability of cigarette paper,tipping paper and plug wrapper,the pressure drop of filter rod and the proportion of expanded cut stem,on the deliveries of different fractions in mainstream cigarette smoke,the prediction models of carbon monoxide,phenol and NNK deliveries versus material parameters were established,and 21 cigarette samples were analyzed.The results showed that: 1) The mean values of relative deviation between predictive values and measured values for carbon monoxide,phenol and NNK were 3.47%,7.91% and 4.40%,respectively.2) The influences of material parameters on the deliveries under intensive smoking regime significantly differed from those under ISO regime.These prediction models can be used to optimize the design parameters of material for less harmful cigarette under intensive smoking regime.

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