
In the presence of sufficient cycloheximide, puromycin or NaCl to quantitatively inhibit protein synthesis in HeLa cells, thymidine incorporation continues at 20% of control rates for 60 to 90 minutes, after which incorporation gradually ceases. Both DNA and protein synthesis revert to control rates in about five minutes after removal of cycloheximide. DNA synthesis in the presence of cycloheximide appears to be a continuation of the replicative process by several criteria. The persistent DNA synthesis in the presence of cycloheximide is abolished by hydroxyurea, which does not inhibit repair synthesis, while ethidium bromide, an inhibitor of mitochondrial DNA synthesis, is without effect. Nuclear DNA is not nicked during incubation in cycloheximide. Low molecular weight Okazaki fragments (4 to 5 S) are both synthesized and processed to high molecular weight DNA in cells treated with cycloheximide. Replication forks, identified in alkaline CsCl gradients by incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine as a density marker just before the addition of cycloheximide, are selectively labeled with radioactive thymidine during DNA synthesis. In the presence of cycloheximide the maturation of DNA intermediates into high molecular weight DNA is defective. All size classes of DNA fragments, normally present during progression of low to high molecular weight DNA, are demonstrable in cells preincubated in cycloheximide for prolonged periods. However, 21 S fragments, intermediate in size between Okazaki pieces and mature, high molecular weight DNA, accumulate in cells treated with cycloheximide, demonstrating a defect in maturation of the 21 S intermediates into high molecular weight DNA. After removal of the cycloheximide, the 21 S DNA fragments are processed to high molecular weight DNA at a significantly impaired rate, requiring about three hours for completion of chain growth as compared to 40 to 60 minutes in controls. The slowed growth of DNA fragments synthesized in the presence of cycloheximide following drug removal is not due to persisting effects of cyeloheximide since DNA synthesis immediately following removal of the drug has chain growth rates similar to that of controls. Pools of chromatin proteins exist in HeLa cells, as demonstrated by a brief, labeled amino acid pulse followed by a chase with cycloheximide. The specific activity of chromatin proteins increases significantly during 60 minutes of cycloheximide inhibition. Histone f2a1 accumulates preferentially during this chase period, suggesting that a supply of this highly conserved histone might be requisite to continued replication. Comparison of chromatin synthesized during cycloheximide treatment with pulse-labeled control chromatin has provided insight into the mechanism of assembly of proteins and DNA into the nucleoprotein complex. The DNA of ch-chromatin † † Abbreviations used: ch-chromatin, chromatin synthesized during exposure of cells to cycloheximide; chDNA, nuclear DNA synthesized during exposure of cells to 200 μg cycloheximide/ml. is more susceptible to nuclease digestion than control chromatin, suggesting that it is deficient in protein content. Upon reversal of cycloheximide inhibition, the recovery of nuclease digestibility of ch-chromatin to control values takes two to three hours, a time similar to that required for conversion of the corresponding 21 S chDNA fragments to high molecular weight DNA. Briefly pulse-labeled (30 to 60 s) DNA in control chromatin also has an enhanced susceptibility to nuclease digestion of the same degree as found in ch-ehromatin. The time of recovery of increased nuclease susceptibility of newly made chromatin DNA ( via protein addition) to control levels is about 10 to 15 minutes and corresponds to the time required for synthesis of replicon-sized units of DNA. In addition to being nuclease-sensitive, both cycloheximide and newly synthesized (30 to 60 s) chromatin have lighter buoyant densities in CsCl gradients than bulk chromatin. This property exists for only one to two minutes in controls and is probably due to structural properties distinct from those rendering nuclease sensitivity. Limit digests of chromatin by micrococcal nuclease yield a characteristic pattern of polynucleotides when resolved in polyacrylamide gels. The radioactivity profiles of limit digest polynucleotides from control and ch-chromatin are identical, indicating that pre-existing chromatin proteins remain in place on newly replicated DNA in the same fashion as in mature chromatin.

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