Objective: To investigate the effect of compound Xuanju capsule on T lymphocyte subsets in patients with unexplained recurrent abortion. Methods: The effect of compound Xuanju capsule for the treatment of unexplained recurrent abortion wasinvestigated in a randomized, single blind and clinical trial with control of prednisone and lymphocyte immunotherapy. 211 patients were randomly divided into three groups which were given compound Xuanju capsule, prednisone, and lymphocyte immunotherapy respectively. The main outcome measures were T lymphocyte subsets (T lymphocyte ratio, Th cell ratio, Ts cell ratio, Th/Ts cell ratio, NK cell ratio) whichwas detected in the three groups before and after treatment (at the end of one course of treatment) and the secondary outcome measure was TCM syndrome grade andpregnancy outcome. Results: (1) T lymphocyte subsets: Compared with beforetreatment, the Total T cell ratio showed no significant difference (P>0.05) in the threegroups. The Th cell ratio was lower (P<0.01) in the three groups and the decrease of Thcell ratio in compound Xuanju capsule group and prednisone group was moresignificant than that in the immunotherapy group (P < 0.01). The Ts cell ratio was higher in compound Xuanju capsule group and prednisone group (P < 0.05). The Th/Ts cellratio was lower in the three groups (P < 0.05) and the decrease of Th/Ts cell ratio incompound Xuanju capsule group and prednisone group was more significant than thatin the immunotherapy group (P < 0.05). Total proportion of NK was lower (P<0.001) in the compound Xuanju capsule group and prednisone group. The Total NK cell ratioshowed no significant difference (P > 0.05) in the immunotherapy group (P > 0.05). (2)Pregnancy outcome: Pregnancy outcomes were significantly improved but there wasno significant difference (P > 0.05) in the three groups. (3) TCM syndrome grade:Compared with before treatment, the TCM syndrome grade was lower (P<0.05) in the Copyright © 2024 Cognizant Communication Corp.Acupuncture & Electro-therapeutics Research E-pubthree groups and the decrease of TCM syndrome grade in compound Xuanju capsulegroup was more significant than that in the prednisone group and immunotherapy group(P < 0.01). Conclusion: Compared with before treatment, the Th cell ratio, Th/Ts cellratio and Total NK cell ratio was lower and the Ts cell ratio was higher in compoundXuanju capsule group. Pregnancy outcomes of patients were significantly improved.Compound Xuanju capsule is superior to prednisone and lymphocyte immunotherapywhen it comes to TCM syndrome grade reduction. These results suggest that CompoundXuanju Capsule can regulate the immune function of unexplained recurrentspontaneous abortion (URSA) patients, suppress abnormal immune response, and playa certain role in the treatment of recurrent abortion with unknown causes
Published Version
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