
Interparental conflicts and their consequences on children have become a global social and educational problem, generating concerns scientific (research) and social. Any investigation were taken up at this stage, they remain a problem only partially elucidated, with significant repercussions on personal and professional training and development of young generation. The complexity of the topic prompted different viewpoints from experts, from the definition of conflict interparental generally to distinguish him from other forms, such as marital conflict, intergenerational conflict, etc.Some of the most serious consequences of chronic conflicts are interparental aggression and violence among children from such families. The problem is even more serious these consequences affect performance in school, these children affects relationships with peers, creates problems in adapting to school, social, etc.Internationally, created Observatory on Violence in Schools, whose director is the current Eric Debarbieux. Studies carried out by the institution highlighted the social, cultural, political and even academic of European researchers on violence and bullying among children. In his opinion, Eric Debarbieux claims that violence is relative. Relativity is given the differences between historical periods over which the society of specific social environment.Regardless of the particulars of is study bullying and violence in schools and other factors caused mainly by chronic interparental conflict is a priority in investigating this issue, to be able to act to reduce and eliminate him.

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