
The effect of cortical spreading depression (CSD) on oxygen demand (extracellular K +), oxygen supply (cerebral blood flow – CBF) and oxygen balance (mitochondrial NADH) was studied by a special multiprobe assembly (MPA), during hypoxia and partial ischemia. The MPA was constructed and applied to monitor the CSD wave from its front line until complete recovery, continuously and simultaneously. CSD under hypoxia or partial ischemia led to an initial increase in NADH levels and a further decrease in CBF during the first phase of the CSD wave, indicating a decrease of tissue capability to compensate for an increase in oxygen demand. Furthermore, the special design of the MPA enabled identifying the close interrelation between oxygen demand, supply and balance during CSD propagation. In conclusion, brain oxygenation was shown to have a clear effect on tissue responses to CSD.

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