
As a result of the research conducted in 2020–2022, the high efficiency and environmental feasibility of using complex fertilizers with microelements MicroFid Complex, MicroFid Zinc, microFid Boron with Zinc Chelate Reagent and Boron Chelate reagent in the cultivation of spring barley on chernozem soils of the Kursk region was established. The use of complex fertilizers MicroFid Complex, MicroFid Boron and MicroFid Zinc in the form of seed treatment and sowing in the phases “tillering” and “exit into the tube” provided an increase in the yield of spring barley – 0.29–0.45 t/ha (on 7.6–11.7%), protein growth in grain by 0.7–0.9%, grain size by 0.9–1.2%, relative to the control variant. The use of mono-fertilizers Zinc Chelate Reagent and Boron Chelate Reagent in comparison with complex micronutrients was less effective. The increase in the yield of spring barley from their use increased by 0.29–0.34 t/ha (7.6–8.9%), the amount of protein in the grain – by 0.1–0.2%, grain size – by 0.2–0.4%. There was a tendency of higher efficiency of microelement fertilizers containing boron: the yield of spring barley from the use of monoselate fertilizer Reakom-Boron Chelate was 0.05 t/ha higher than from fertilizer Reakom-Zinc Chelate, and complex fertilizer MicroFid Boron – 0.03 t/ha higher than MicroFid Zinc. The use of trace element fertilizers on spring barley crops was economically profitable and environmentally sound.

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