
本研究旨在探討教授學生說明文結構閱讀策略,能否提升預科學生閱讀理解的能力。參與本研究共26名中六文科女學生。本研究採用前實驗設計的單組前測----後測設計,學生在前測和後測之間接受「說明文結構閱讀策略」教學,教學內容包括認識六種說明文結構模式、各種結構模式的標示語及結構圖。本研究對學生進行兩次訪談,了解學生在進行閱讀評估時所運用的策略及遇到的問題,並了解學生對運用說明文結構閱讀策略的看法。 研究結果顯示:教授學生說明文結構閱讀策略,能提升預科學生閱讀理解的能力。學生學習「說明文結構閱讀策略」,對提升「概括文意」的閱讀理解的能力成效最為顯著,對提升「根據文意理解詞義」的閱讀能力亦有顯著成效,對提升「擷取重要信息」及「綜合資料分析推斷」的閱讀能力的成效則未見顯著。就提升不同閱讀能力程度的學生的閱讀理解能力方面,教授「說明文結構閱讀策略」對中等程度和程度較低的學生的成效顯著。另從訪談得知,學生普遍覺得高考中國語文及文化科閱讀理解試卷十分困難。跨篇章設問的考核形式,亦會增加試題的難度。學生大都認為學習「說明文結構閱讀策略」,對閱讀說明文有很大幫助。 根據本研究的發現,研究者提出一些教學建議:(1)學習材料宜由淺入深,讓學生更容易掌握各種說明文結構模式;(2)每一次只宜教授一種結構模式,以免學生感到混亂;(3)指導學生學習時,可以運用不同的教學策略,如讀寫結合。 This research investigates the effectiveness of teaching expository text structure reading strategy in developing S6 students’ reading ability. The 26 participants in this research are F6 female arts group students. This research adopts the one-group pretest-posttest design of the pre-experimental design. Students received training in expository text structure reading strategy training between two tests. The teaching content includes six expository text structures, signal words and graphic organizers. This research also interviewed the students two times to investigate what strategies they had used and their problems in the reading comprehension tests, and to investigate their opinion of using expository text structure reading strategy. According to the result, teaching expository text structure reading strategyimprovesS6 students’ reading ability. There is significant difference in the comprehension ability of summary, there is significant difference in the comprehension ability of decoding meaning of words according to the text content, too. But there are no significant difference in the comprehension ability of retrieving information and synthesis of information, analyse and infer. In the developing the reading ability of students of different level of reading ability, teaching expository text structure reading strategy has significant effects to the students of mid-level and low level reading ability. According to the interviews, students complain that the CLC reading comprehension question paper is very difficult, especially the cross text questions. Students agreed that learning expository text structure reading strategy is helpful in reading expository text. Form the findings in this research, researcher suggests: 1. learning material should be arrange from easy to difficult, so the students will learn the expository text structure easily. 2. Teach expository text structures one by one, to avoid the students from misunderstanding. 3. Using different teaching strategies, for example, read and write.

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